Reasons to get accredited

ENAC accreditation implies successfully passing a rigorous evaluation process in accordance with internationally recognised standards. It also demonstrates the CABs’ technical competence to carry out their evaluation activities both in Spain and in the global market. An accredited body will obtain: 


The prestige and trust acquired when a single agent, ENAC, grants accreditation can be asserted multiple times to publics such as clients or governments, reducing the possibility of their being subject to multiple assessments performed by clients and the competent administrations. Accreditation is now present in every economic sector, regardless of whether companies operate in the regulatory or non-regulatory field, in Spain, the rest of Europe and the world.

Competitive advantage

Accreditation also provides an independent guarantee of the competence of your staff. It can help you set yourself apart from the competition, thereby enabling you to compete with other organisations, even the largest ones. In addition, in some sectors accreditation is a requisite for securing authorisation to be able to provide certain services; in others it is a de facto licence that key purchasers deem necessary.

Access to markets

ENAC accreditation is recognised and accepted in over 100 countries across the world, thereby creating opportunities abroad as it is increasingly required by public and private sector organisations across the world. More information

Ongoing improvement

Accreditation is the tool usually employed by assessors to pinpoint areas for improvement, thereby providing the chance to improve the results of the organisation on an ongoing basis.

Facilitates access to public procurement

As the use of accredited services is becoming more and more of a priority in public procurement contracts. More information

ENAC mark, a guarantee of competence and international recognition

Any questions about accreditation or ENAC? Any questions about accreditation or ENAC?

You can consult our frequently asked questions area (avaliable only in Spanish) to learn about the criteria and procedures for accreditation.