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Accreditation News



SGS Inspecciones Reglamentarias: first accredited for inspecting cogeneration power plants

18 January 2022 Industries

ENAC has recently granted accreditation to SGS Inspecciones Reglamentarias for inspecting the energy efficiency conditions of cogeneration plants. It therefore becomes the first accredited body in Spain based on the scheme developed jointly by ENAC and the Energy Directorate of the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC)  for inspecting the energy efficiency conditions of cogeneration plants, based on the UNE EN-ISO/IEC 17020 standard.

Energy cogeneration plants must demonstrate compliance annually with minimum levels of energy efficiency for which they are subject to the control of a CNMC-recognized independent body.

Thanks to the aforementioned accreditation scheme, which can be consulted in document RDE-23 "Criteria and specific accreditation process for inspecting the energy efficiency conditions of cogeneration plants", the CNMC provides the best guarantees in this control’s results as the activity carried out by the accredited companies is based on international standards and is supervised by ENAC, which consequently increases confidence in the reports issued.

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