UNE, CEM and ENAC seal an alliance to enhance quality infrastructure in Spain
The Spanish Association for Standardization, (Asociación Española de Normalización, UNE), the Spanish Metrology Centre (Centro Español de Metrología, CEM) and ENAC signed a collaboration protocol to promote quality infrastructure in Spain. A strong quality infrastructure helps increase the activity sector’s competitiveness and the Spanish economic and industrial fabric, as well as to improve how the EU Internal Market effectively works and to access third country markets.
This agreement includes the launch of the website "Infraestructura de la calidad española", which aims to raise awareness about the importance of having strong quality infrastructure in Spain. UNE, CEM and ENAC are strategic partners, constituting the three main pillars of quality infrastructure in Spain. The joint work of these three bodies in standardization, metrology, and accreditation results in an improved competitiveness of the Spanish productive fabric.
The new website "Infraestructura de la calidad española" contains practical and interesting information on quality infrastructure; what its objective is, what the pillars are on which it is based (standardization, metrology and accreditation), case stories, links of interest and a contacts of each organization for those seeking for more information.
UNE, CEM and ENAC signed the agreement in the presence of María Muñoz, DG of Industry and SMEs, and José Manuel Prieto, the Deputy DG of Quality and Industrial Safety of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, at a ceremony at the Ministry's headquarters.
María Muñoz highlighted the essential role played by the Spanish quality infrastructure as a tool to give maximum guarantees to the economic and industrial fabric of our country, as well as to promoting quality, internationalization and it favours our industrial fabric’s transition towards a more sustainable and robust economy.
UNE's General Manager, Javier García, pointed out that "metrology, accreditation and standardization are working together decisively to respond effectively to the Spanish society and industry’s important current challenges in areas such as export, product safety, innovation, digitalization or sustainability. For this, UNE are developing technical standards to successfully overcome these challenges". Specifically, one of UNE 2025 strategy priorities is to strengthen the Spanish quality infrastructure.
For José Ángel Robles, CEM director, metrology is taking a great technological leap forward to respond to 21st Century industry needs and so, CEM keeps more than twenty annual R+D projects open enabling it to give specialized and high value support to the quality infrastructure. Beatriz Rivera, ENAC General Manager, likewise highlighted the close collaboration between UNE, CEM and ENAC, pillars of the Spanish quality infrastructure, as well as to ENAC's role over the last 30 years. She stressed that "accreditation is an essential tool at the service of the market and society, providing confidence in assessment and control activities that affect critical aspects of today's society, from food safety, environmental protection, diagnostic quality or cybersecurity. The joint action of standardized technical requirements, rigorous measures and proven assessors contribute to ensuring reliable products and services, developing secure markets, and strengthening consumer protection”.
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