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Accreditation News



The first accredited laboratory for testing automatic ultrasound by Phased Array and TOFD techniques

30 August 2016 Industries

ENAC has awarded the first accreditation for testing automatic ultrasound with Phased Array and TOFD (Time of Flight Diffraction) techniques to Servicios de Control e Inspección (SCI).

"Accreditation from ENAC, brings an added value to our work and a recognition by personal experts of our good work. It also allows us to move forward in our internationalization, as SCI is involved in big construction projects around the world carrying out non-destructive testing and third party inspection". explained Marta Lorenzo, SCI Manager.

The Phased Array and TOFD techniques are advanced ultrasound inspection techniques applicable to both welding and materials. These techniques have highly reliable and precise measurements, a high degree of defect detection and execution speed.

These ultrasound tests are used in many industrial sectors such as construction, with products such as pipes, or energy generation, among other activities. The tests allow you to determine if defects occur in the application of certain industrial processes such as welding, when the resulting product's compliance cannot be determined at a glance.

Using these techniques has the advantage of minimizing the time needed to carry out the tests - a significant aspect when many kilometres of pipeline are being tested, for example, in gas-pipes -, as well as having a greater capacity to detect, locate and size defects and make repair operations easier.


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