A new royal decree again requires ENAC-accredited laboratories to expand radon control
Spanish Royal Decree 1029/2022 has recently been published, approving health protection regulations against the risks arising from ionizing radiation exposure. Its purpose is to establish the rules related to protecting workers and members of the public against the aforementioned risks, including the use of accredited laboratories to provide guarantees in radon measurements.
Specifically, Article 76 requires those in charge of work activities in places at risk of radon exposure, such as underground work in tunnels, mines or caves, where water originating underground is processed, handled or used (thermal activities and spas) or other workplaces located in situ under municipal terms of priority action defined in the Regulation. It is necessary to estimate the average annual radon concentration in the air of all working areas where workers are required to stay or accessible for their work.
The document also specifies that the annual average of radon concentration in air will be estimated, from long-term measurements, following the guidelines and instructions issued by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, CSN), and the laboratory that performs the measurement must be accredited in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 standard by ENAC, or by another national accreditation body designated in accordance with European regulations.
This new royal decree is another example of how important the Public Administration sees guaranteeing that this harmful gas is controlled. An accreditation that joins the latest modification of the Spanish Technical Building Code (Código Técnico de Edificación, CTE), which requires laboratories performing radon gas measurements in homes and buildings to be accredited by ENAC.
ENAC is in a position to accept applications for accreditation of testing laboratories. Bodies interested in starting the accreditation process can contact Belén Villamiel.
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