Laboratorio Técnico de Reformas, first accredited body to assess the SERMI scheme requirements
Laboratorio Técnico de Reformas (LTR) has recently obtained ENAC accreditation as an inspection body to assess the requirements established in the SERMI scheme, for accessing information on vehicle protection against unauthorized use, thereby becoming the first accredited in Spain to carry out this activity.
The SERMI scheme is based on the requirements of the new in-force European legislation, specifically Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1244. ENAC participated in the development of the mentioned scheme as an active part of a European Accreditation working group.
The scheme specifies in detail the authorization process required for workshops, manufacturers of diagnostic tools and software, service centres, etc., so-called independent operators, to access all repair and maintenance information related to security against robbery. Before SERMI's launch, operators had to request this information and manage it directly with each manufacturer, but, since 1 August, they can now obtain it through a single certificate, which must be issued by an ENAC-accredited body.
For further information, consult the news prepared by ENAC on SERMI's final approval, as well as the scheme’s document, available on its website.
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