Judgment on the fraudulent use of the accreditation mark
A court of instruction in Madrid has issued a sentence for an ongoing crime of falsifying official tender documents as a crime against industrial property, sentencing the person responsible for issuing various unaccredited certificates that included the accreditation mark of the Australia and New Zealand accreditation body (JAS-ANZ) to fourteen months in prison as well as a fine, as reported by the NAB itself on its website.
ENAC informed JAS-ANZ of this fraudulent use of its trademark in our country, an example of the continuous collaboration between accreditation bodies from all over the world integrated into the international accreditation infrastructure.
The judgment highlights how strongly protected the accreditation mark is by the courts, and how important it is to continually defend its proper use in all circumstances.
ENAC welcomes any information that allows us to detect fraudulent use of the accreditation mark and we will take all legal actions at our disposal to defend it.
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