First accreditations for assessing web page and app accessibility
The bodies obliged by RD 1112/2018 can now request the web page and app accessibility review by ENAC-accredited bodies
Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, on website and application accessibility for public sector mobile devices, requires that all Public Administration websites and mobile applications, or those receiving public funding, comply with minimum accessibility requirements. It requires obliged bodies to carry out reviews of compliance with accessibility requirements in design, construction, maintenance and upgrades phases. However, the Royal Decree itself gives the possibility to the obliged bodies that this review can also be carried out by an external ENAC-accredited body.
Within this framework, ENAC has recently granted the first accreditations to Métodos y Tecnología de Sistemas y Procesos (MTP) and to TOTHOMweb, a company that has also obtained accreditation in the mobile device application field. Obliged bodies therefore can now, if they so wish, avail themselves of this possibility and entrust their reviews to ENAC-accredited bodies.
This Royal Decree is an example of accreditation being used as a tool to serve the Administration to achieve its objectives in terms of public policies, since it establishes that the bodies obliged to assess their mobile device web page and application accessibility may certify compliance with the requirements of the Royal Decree through a body whose technical competence has been formally recognized by the ENAC. Confidence in ENAC's accreditation lies in the fact that it is a tool able to identify bodies with the proven technical independence and reliability, that have the necessary material and human resources, and, of course, that are subject to strict internal and external controls to ensure the veracity and value of their certificates.
Likewise, this accreditation is an example of ENAC's technical support and collaboration with public administrations, since the document establishing the criteria and specific accreditation process for this type of accreditation has been prepared with the collaboration of the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation (Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, MAETD), which is the body responsible for monitoring and reporting to the European Commission on the state of play with respect to compliance of public sector bodies' websites and mobile applications with accessibility requirements.
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