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Accreditation News



Andalucía requires collaborating bodies to be accredited in the urban control field

18 September 2023 Industries

Bodies wanting to be part of the new Urban Certification Bodies' Register, Andalucía (REUCA) must be accredited by ENAC

The Junta de Andalucía’s Ministry of Development, Articulation of Territory and Housing recently announced it set up the new Andalucía Urban Certification Bodies Register (REUCA), as established by Decree 550/2022, which approves the General Regulation of the Law of Promotion for a Sustainable Territory of Andalucía (LISTA).

According to the legislative text, among the necessary requirements to be part of this new registry, bodies interested in working with the administration in urban field inspection tasks must be accredited by ENAC as a type A inspection body according to the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard.

At this time, there are no accredited bodies to offer such a service. For more information, please contact Marta González, ENAC's Department of Inspection and Control Bodies.

Accreditation: a tool to support the Administration

It is increasingly common for regional, national, and international public administrations to rely on accreditation as a mechanism to ensure public sector confidence in activities' safety and integrity over numerous economic sectors.

In relation to urban planning, administrations such as Comunidad de Madrid, Galicia or Comunidad Valenciana have used accreditation as a tool to generate confidence in their collaborating urban control bodies. Therefore, Public Administration demonstrates its confidence in ENAC and in accreditation as a tool to guarantee products and services are reliable and contributes to strengthening consumer protection.

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