ENAC has passed the assessment to continue operating under the EMAS regulation
The European Environmental Management and Audit Scheme Regulation (EMAS) establishes that accreditation bodies operating under it must pass an assessment by an audit team from the Forum of Accreditation and Licensing Bodies (FALB) every 4 years, a committee created by the EMAS Regulation for coordinating the scheme and supervising accreditation bodies.
ENAC has recently received a four-day visit from the corresponding audit team that assessed ENAC's compliance with the requirements established by the Regulation for accreditation bodies. The assessment result has been positive, so ENAC maintains its accreditation body status for environmental inspectors in accordance with the regulation for four more years, accumulating more than 20 years as an accreditor in accordance with EMAS regulation requirements.
The EMAS scheme is a management tool for companies to achieve continuous improvement in their environmental performance and, in addition, to inform the different stakeholders (employees, Administration, owners, etc.) about it and, to obtain maximum guarantees. It is based on accreditation use for inspecting both the implemented
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