The certification of persons’ scheme requirements for operators of self-propelled mobile cranes have been published by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism
Recently, the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Tourism (MINTUR) has published the requirements for the certification of persons’ scheme for self-propelled mobile crane operators, which aims to, as stated in the aforementioned document, guarantee the necessary transparency that all the certification bodies’ schemes operate with an equivalent level of demand and comply with the regulation provisions.
Therefore, bodies wishing to certify crane operators must comply with the requirements established by the Ministry and apply for ENAC accreditation, as set out in Royal Decree 298/2021 of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism. This legislation updated the industrial safety regulations in Spain regarding professional competences in this sector, in such a way that the requirements that would allow a professional to carry out their activity were adjusted to criteria of non-discrimination, justification, proportionality, clarity, objectivity, publicity, transparency and accessibility.
This royal decree establishes that professionals with different profiles related to industrial safety, such as self-propelled mobile crane operators, can turn to ENAC-accredited certification of persons to demonstrate their competence to carry out the activities required by their jobs. The aim of this royal decree was to establish a uniform criterion between the different industrial safety regulations, in terms of the human resources necessary for developing the activity or exercising it and in terms of the ways to access the professions included in the different regulations and, in particular, to harmonize the way in which reference is made to accredited certification in the profiles in which this option was already present.
ENAC is in a position to receive applications for certification bodies accreditation from interested professionals. For further information, please contact Carmen Andrés, Head of Industrial Safety in ENAC's Certification and Verification Department.
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